How to register for the GMAT
When you decide to take the GMAT, you will have to choose a date and register yourself at a GMAT test center. In this way you will be assured of a place and you can start planning your preparations. In the following steps we will explain how to register for the GMAT and where you can take the exam.
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A lot of valuable information about the GMAT can be found in our free introduction. What should you expect from the test, how do you prepare, what is the best practice material. All information is on demand available on our e-learning platform complemented with live Q&A session to answer any question you have.
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The official MBA website ( is the only place where you can register for a GMAT exam. On this website you can choose a date, location and time. To register for an exam it is necessary to create an account first. This account will also give you access to free study materials, events and to your score information.
When you have created an account, you will be asked to choose a location for your GMAT exam. You can also take the GMAT online, which is slightly differnt from a test center test. On you can find what other locations are available to take your exam, it will usually show you the 5 test centers closest to your current location.
After you have chosen a location, the website will show you a calendar with possible test dates. Some of the locations get fully booked really fast, so when you know the submission date of the university you want to apply for, you should not wait to long with booking an exam. But as long as slots arent filling up, you may as well postpone booking an exam to make sure you're going to be ready at your planned test date.
When you have chosen a location and date, you can officially register for a GMAT exam. Before doing an online payment it is important to double check if the date and location you chose will work for you and if you have planned enough time for your preparations. It can be quite expensive to reschedule or cancel your GMAT exam, so be sure the exam date you register for is the right one!
Help with preparing for the GMAT
Now that you registered yourself for a GMAT exam, you can start or continue with your preparations. Do you need help with your planning? Get in contact with us and we will help you to nail your GMAT exam!
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Discuss your preparation plan with an expert
Now that you registered yourself for a GMAT exam, you can start or continue with your preparations. Do you need help with your planning? Get in contact with us and we will help you to nail your GMAT exam!