About the GMAT score
The GMAT score ranges from 200 to 800. Note that this score is only based on the Quantitative and Verbal section. Each Pre-Master’s, Master’s or MBA program sets their own minimum admission score.
Whether the other components (AWA and IR) are also assessed depends on the school you are applying to. Always check the requirements of the school you are applying fore, and if a digital transcript of your score is accepted.
Join our free introduction
Our free introduction contains a lot of valuable information about the GMAT. What should you expect from the test, how do you prepare, what is the best practice material? All information is available on demand on our e-learning platform complemented with live Q&A sessions to answer any questions you have.
Sign up for the free introduction!The Quant and Verbal score make up your total GMAT score*

*The chart above is indicative.
Enhanced score report (ESR)
If you would like more information on your GMAT performance and a more complete overview of how you did on your exam, you can purchase an Enhanced Score Report (ESR). Your ESR gives you a detailed analysis of your performance—by question type, areas of focus, and pacing—so you can fine-tune your preparation and do even better next time around.
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Percentile score
The GMAT score is an absolute score, but you will also receive a percentile score. This score indicates how you scored compared to other test-takers. The percentile rank of your score shows you the percentage of tests takers in the last three years with scores lower than yours. Every year, each test taker’s score is updated with the most recent year’s percentiles.
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Now that you registered yourself for a GMAT exam, you can start or continue with your preparations. Do you need help with your planning? Get in contact with us and we will help you to nail your GMAT exam!